FGM AllCem Veneer APS Veneer Light Cure Resin Cement 2.5gms A2 7899633815234
FGM AllCem Veneer APS Veneer Light Cure Resin Cement 2.5gms A27899633815234

Veneer Luting Item Code: 4460005

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Dual-curing resin cement for core build-up and adhesive cementation of intraradicular posts and prosthetic crowns. Indicated for core build-up, cementation of posts and crowns. Possibility of radiographic diagnosis. High resistance to bending and compression. Chemical curing in environments where light does not reach and light curing to facilitate the core build-up work. The product is applied evenly inside the root canal, dispensing manual mixing and insertion with Lentulo drills. Excellent adhesion to dentin, enamel, CAD/CAM blocks, ceramic, porcelain, resin and metal.
Product Details
Shade A2
QUANTITY 2.5 gms
REFERENCE 7899633815234
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